Transport for london

Do you operate HGV's inside the M25?

Transport for london update

PSS is now live.
If you applied for, and were granted, you will have the benefit of the Grace Period extortions until 4th May 2025.

It is the responsibility of the fleet owner to apply for the PSS permit, hardware suppliers will only provide you with the required certificate of conformity.
Certificate of installations are self completed with self-installs or given from the installation company.

Find out more
  • Get help with knowing what you need to install

  • Get a quote for the PSS equipment or upgrade and installation

  • We will provide you with the required documentation to apply for the grace period

Direct Vision Standard (DVS) and the Progressive System (PSS) update

In March 2021 the DVS (Direct Vision Standard) was introduced, imposing fines on vehicles over 12T GVW for entering the DVS zone in and around London.
This has now been reviewed and upgraded to the Progressive Safe System (PSS) which went live on 28th October 2024 with vehicles rated below 3 stars being affected.

PSS grace Period

TfL offered the ability to apply for a Grace Period. It is wasn't a given and must have been approved and accepted.

How long does a permit last for?

Your permits duration will depend on your vehicles star rating. Please see the table below from Transport for London (TfL) for more information.

permit lenght

what you need to know

Over 250,000 vehicles applied for the original DVS permits.
Any vehicles rated under 3 stars need to update to PSS.
Thousands more vehicles do not have DVS permits and will be under 3 stars. These will require permits to access London without being fined.

Progressive safe system

Relevant to all HGV's (over 12T GVW) rated 0, 1 and 2 stars. This came into enforcement from 28th October 2024

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Enforcement zone

The enforcement zone covers central London and some outer London. To view the enforcement zone please click below

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what's my star rating

We can obtain your star ratings for you. You need the star rating to know what, if required, any extra equipment to install

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Direct Vision Standard

DVS went live in 2021. This has now been upgraded to PSS under the review

Learn more about DVS

The application process

The application process varies depending on your star rating. We have simplified the process for you

Learn more

contact us

We can help you get ready for your PSS application by providing star ratings to required equipment quotes

Contact us


The direct vision is calculated from what the driver can see from their seat with no enhancements such as camera systems or mirrors. The level of direct vison determines the star rating. The star rating is awarded on the production line by the manufacturer.

The star rating will not change even when you add additional equipment.


The red highlighted areas show where the driver can see from their seat without assistance - this is known as limited direct vision.


The blue highlighted areas show where the driver can see from their seat without assistance - this is known as good direct vision.


A - zero star eye point
B - one star eye point
C - three star eye point
D - four star eye point